Watch time - 26 minutes
I adore this witty wonderful woman and her take on the world and the choices we make. I have watched this time and again and I always take away a powerful message. It challenges us to take ownership of our lives and our choices and to get up every day and take responsibility for who we are and how we live each day.
She powerfully explores why we become ill; why we break down; why we don’t heal and leads this back to the daily choices we make – choosing negative language, bitter thoughts, our sense of entitlement, the blame game. Not taking responsibility for leading lives of integrity!
She reminds us of Choice as the most fundamental power of the human experience, a huge power with infinite consequences.
The exploration of the Paradox of Little and BIG choices – suggesting the tiny choices we make every day, intimately with ourselves, are the most powerful on our health, wellbeing, soul, empowerment, on your sense of who you are; not the big external life changing ones – job, house, marriage, divorce.
The 5 choices she suggests we all make and impact powerfully on our daily lives is an absolute MUST LISTEN – no spoiler alert by listing them here.
My perspective:
This Ted Talk powerfully shifted my life and thinking. It started me on a journey some years ago to examine my choices, control, language and forced me to undertake radical changes in my life. I moved from victim and blame for things that were making me unhappy to putting myself fully in the driver seat and taking full control of my destiny and how I live my life every day. Revisiting this video today, to review for my website, brought me tears of sadness and joy as it reminded me of how far I’ve come.
It also reminds me of all the people I love who are still on a journey and haven’t yet understood how to take responsibility for their lives. People who get stuck in the blame game and sadness and despair, or simply put up with a life that is not aligned to their true self – a lack of integrity. I see it all around me – I see the signs, over-eating, over-drinking, back-pain, headaches, stomach problems, ugly marriages, angry children, guilt, shame, unfulfilled lives. So sad but I remain hopeful as I know choice comes knocking on doors in different guises if we stop, look up and listen.
Caroline talks about the power of words and vocabulary - My coaching model focuses on two key words which shifted everything for me: CHOICE + COURAGE and it is on this and the principles of positive psychology that I have build my COURAGE © coaching model.
© Jackie Wade 2021